The generally-accepted explanation of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001 is based on the speculative “theory” [1] of progressive buckling of bearing columns at the speed of free fall triggered by creep buckling of the columns of the floor subject to the conflagration from the spilled fuel and by dynamic impact of the upper structure. In the present paper it is shown that this theory [1] is wrong because it is built on false assumptions and incorrect calculations. The “theory” cannot explain the free fall, explosion sound, and pulverization of the buildings as well as other facts of this event. The simultaneous collapse of the neighboring 47-story tower directly contradicts to the “theory”. It is shown that, consistent with all known facts of the matter, the scenario of all collapses was this: (i) heating of bearing columns in the “hot” spot caused high compressive thermal stresses in these columns, (ii) the thermal stresses combined with gravitational and technological stresses triggered a fracture wave, and (iii) the fracture wave disintegrated the entire building by invisible cracks for less than 0.1 s producing the sound of explosion and providing the conditions necessary for free fall of steel fragments and dust clouds of tiny fragments of glass, marble and concrete. The theory of fracture waves, see Appendix 1, supports this scenario. The “ theory” is placed in [1].