РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences/2016/№ 2/

Features of Cultural Reality in Cultural World View

In the article the content and nature of the phenomenon of cultural world view as specialized scientiёc. Application of the model of the scientiёc world view academics V. S. Stepin allows more speciёcally set forth and understand the speciёcs of the cultural world view as specially scientiёc to reveal its contents and signiёcance for philosophy and culture, and the basic functionality as a «mediator» between science and society. The cultural world view, as an aspect of social cognition, as the scientiёc and philosophical concept, in its content reяects the cultural reality as artiёcial type I (artiёcial and natural), in which cultural systems acquire their speciёc spatial and temporal forms – linear intrusion, wave, spiral, comet. The cultural reality in the cultural world view, comprises the following basic objects – artifacts that, taken together, properly organized in the cultural system. Artifacts and cultural systems are not static “objects”. They arise in the process of cultural genesis, develop their inherent socio-cultural dynamics. In the socio-cultural dynamics of the allocated number of patterns that reяect the fact of their generation, evolution and function. Identiёed features of cultural reality to allow the content of the cultural world view holistically reproduce cultural reality as an organic and self-developing form of social reality.

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