РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник ОрелГАУ/2015/№ 1(52)/
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Ветеринарное благополучие и здоровье продуктивных животных, особенно в условиях интенсивной эксплуатации, обеспечивается решением трех основных задач: созданием оптимальных условий содержания, адекватного питания и повышения компенсаторных возможностей организма. В статье приведены результаты исследований по влиянию нового иммуно-метаболического препарата на иммуно-биохимический статус супоросных свиноматок.

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Vestnik OrelGAU, 1(52), February 2015 UDC / УДК 619:615.36:635.3 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE IMMUNE-METABOLIC PREPARATIONS IN THE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE OF PREGNANT SOWS ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ИММУНОМЕТАБОЛИЧЕСКИХ СРЕДСТВ В ВОСПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬНОМ ЦИКЛЕ СУПОРОСНЫХ СВИНОМАТОК Skrebnev S.A., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Скребнев С. <...> Н., доктор биологических наук Belkin B.L., Sazonova V.V., Doctors of Veterinary Sciences Белкин Б. <...> В., доктора ветеринарных наук Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia ФГБОУ ВПО Орел ГАУ, Орел, Россия *E-mail: ABSTRACT Maintenance of veterinary well-being and health of productive animals, especially in the conditions of intensive operation, bases on realisation in the basic three problems: building optimum conditions of the maintenance, adequate feeding and increase of compensatory organism possibilities. <...> Paper present results of scientific researches on influence of new immunometabolic preparation on immunobiochemical status of pregnant sows. <...> В статье приведены результаты исследований по влиянию нового иммуно-метаболического препарата на иммунобиохимический статус супоросных свиноматок. <...> Among enough considerable quantity immunestimulator, the few have received wide application in veterinary science practice. <...> The special urgency, the problem purposeful immunometabolic corrections, in the conditions of industrial pig breeding invokes, especially at operation highly hybrid the parent livestock selected on intensive meat efficiency. <...> It is necessary to notice that gestating sows, in the certain, predicted seasons, are in a state of the physiological immunodeficiency bound to formation and development of fruits, organism preparation to production of a colostrum and milk, and also application of chemotherapeutic preparations and frequently with unbalanced feeding that invokes a state immunosuppression and changes of level and a metabolism orientation. <...> In connection with such factors of formation immunometabolic the status at the sows, specific preventive maintenance of diseases against decrease of humoral and cellular factors of a nonspecific immune responsiveness, is not enough effective and physiologically proved. <...> Correction immunobiochemical a homeostasis and preventive maintenance of immunodeficiencyies at gestating sows [3-6]. 90 Vestnik OrelGAU, 1(52), February 2015 Thereupon, we consider lawful concept realisation on simultaneous correction of exchange processes and systems of immunodefence at gestating sows. <...> For know-how carrying out have chosen bunch gestating sows by a principle of analogues, equivalent on conditions <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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