РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 13. Востоковедение./2014/№ 1/

Changing Contours of Mother Tongue-English Bilingualism in India

The type of bilingualism and multilingualism of the urban intellectual elites in India is absolutely different from the bilingualism of the intellectual elite formed by previous generations. In spite of the permanent increase in the number of people identifying themselves as native speakers of various Indian languages and in spite of the role of the oficial propaganda claiming to provide support to mother tongues and especially to Hindi, the role of mother tongues as tools of expressing intellectual demands of the speakers and of preserving cultural traditions of the society is rapidly decreasing. The symmetrical type of bilingualism of the parents is gradually substituted by the recessive bilingualism of the younger generation.

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The type of bilingualism and multilingualism of the urban intellectual elites in India is absolutely different from the bilingualism of the intellectual elite formed by previous generations. <...> In spite of the permanent increase in the number of people identifying themselves as native speakers of various Indian languages and in spite of the role of the oficial propaganda claiming to provide support to mother tongues and especially to Hindi, the role of mother tongues as tools of expressing intellectual demands of the speakers and of preserving cultural traditions of the society is rapidly decreasing. <...> The symmetrical type of bilingualism of the parents is gradually substituted by the recessive bilingualism of the younger generation.! <...> The type of bilingualism and multilingualism of the urban intellectual elites in India is absolutely different from the bilingualism of the intellectual elite formed by previous generations. <...> In spite of the permanent increase in the number of people identifying themselves as native speakers of various Indian languages and in spite of the role of the oficial propaganda claiming to provide support to mother tongues and especially to Hindi, the role of mother tongues as tools of expressing intellectual demands of the speakers and of preserving cultural traditions of the society is rapidly decreasing. <...> The symmetrical type of bilingualism of the parents is gradually substituted by the recessive bilingualism of the younger generation.! <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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