РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Anthropometry and secular trends in Saratov (Russia)

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Section GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT SECULAR CHANGES OF THE NEWBORNS’ BODY WEIGHT AND WOMEN’S BODY SIZE IN KRAKУW AND POZNAŃ (POLAND) DURING LAST CENTURY Kryst Łukasz1 , Bilińska Inez2 1Department of Anthropology, University School of Physical Education, Krakуw, Poland 2Department of Anthropology and Biometry, University School of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland Long-term changes in morphological characteristics of population, progressing from generation to generation towards constant direction, refl ect the secular trend. <...> These changes apply to both birth and adult body size of a human and they are observed over the century. <...> Responsible for this variability are mostly non-genetic factors, mainly those related to the socio-economic situation. <...> The aim of the study was to determine the existence of intergenerational changes in newborns’ body weight and adult body size of women living in Krakуw and Poznań over the past century. <...> Finally the goal of this study was to defi ning factors responsible for these modifi cations. <...> This research analyzed data of 15884 newborns (body weight) and 3612 women (body height and weight) at the age of 18, derived from 1900 to 2010. <...> The analysis of differences between individual cohorts was made by means of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test. <...> Despite short-term fl uctuations, the results showed signifi cantly increasing trends of all studied features. <...> Changes in women’s body size were also signifi cant, but the level was different depending on the place of residence. <...> In the last century, women’s body height increased by 8,2 cm in Krakуw and by 10,2 cm in Poznań and their body weight increased by 1 kg and 5 kg respectively. <...> Considered period of time covered the years of socio-economic changes which occurred as a result of the political system transformation. <...> Crises, prosperity ages and other factors which determine the standard of living and health care had an infl uence on the developmental level of the Polish population’s physical features. <...> Key words: secular trend, newborns, body size, socio-economic changes, political transformation Contact information: Kryst Łukasz, e-mail: <...> ANTHROPOMETRY AND SECULAR TRENDS IN SARATOV (RUSSIA) Lehmann Andreas1 , Ivanova Elena2 , Godina Elena2 , Scheffl er Christiane1 1Human Biology Department; University <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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