РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Palaeoanthropological study of the population of Abashevo culture, which left the Second Lipetsk barrow

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84 Section HUMAN DIVERSITY PALAEOANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE POPULATION OF ABASHEVO CULTURE, WHICH LEFT THE SECOND LIPETSK BARROW Tyurin Ruslan1 , Borutskaya Svetlana2 1“Terra”, Voronez, Russia 2Department of Anthropology, Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 3Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia In 2011 employees of the State directorate for protection of cultural heritage of Lipetsk region under the guidance of Golotvin A.N. (PhD) performed rescue excavations of the partially destroyed archaeology site – the “Second Lipetsk barrow” situated in the southern outskirts of Lipetsk, in the watershed plateau of the Voronezh and Belokolodets rivers (the right bank of the Voronezh river). <...> The excavations revealed three grave pits arranged along the North-South line. <...> The grave pit 1 was situated in the southern part of the barrow, had subrectangular shape, and was oriented along the North-South line. <...> On the bottom of the pit, the archaeologists recorded fi ve human skeletons on the organic bedding. <...> All the buried people were lying on their backs, with their heads oriented eastwards and their hands in the pelvis area. <...> All the skeletons were more or less disrupted. <...> The grave pit 2 was situated in the central part of the barrow, had subrectangular shape, and was oriented along the North-South line. <...> On the bottom of the pit, the archaeologists recorded fragments of four human skeletons on the organic bedding. <...> The skeletons were completely disrupted, only leg bones of two individuals were lying in situ – they suggest that the buried people were lying with their heads oriented eastwards (as in the pit 1). <...> The grave pit 3 was situated in the northern part of the barrow, had subrectangular shape, and its long axis was oriented along the East-West line. <...> On the bottom of the pit, there was a human skeleton on the organic bedding. <...> The skeleton was lying in situ, on the back, with hands in the pelvis area and with head oriented eastwards. <...> According to the author of excavations (Golotvin A.N.), the graves of the “Second Lipetsk barrow” belong to the burials of aristocratic warriors of the Don-Volga Abashevo culture. <...> Moreover, Golotivin A.N. and Pryakhin A.D. fi nd there some features characteristic for the Catacomb culture (fl inty arrowheads, individual elements of knives). <...> We have performed the craniological reconstruction and measured <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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