РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Neanderthals in Altai highland and their morphological patterns

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Section HUMAN EVOLUTION 93 is unquestionably modern dating to the 18th century AD (Alexeeva, 1996). <...> The authors ignored that the radiocarbon dates for cultural levels upper and lower of the burial gave the interval 35,5101170 – 36,1601250 BP, because of absent of direct radiocarbon (AMS) dates from the human remains (Gvozdover et al., 1986)]. <...> Morphologically the skull cap is large, there is an absence of a thick brow, and the projection of the head is modern. <...> There is no doubt that the burial of Staroselie is Homo sapiens. <...> The child of Pech de l’Azй is the same biological age as Staroselie one, thus we used both of them to study craniofacial morphology into the context of Neanderthals and modern humans developmental trajectories. <...> The individual is similar to other Neanderthals by it craniofacial morphology. <...> Craniofacial morphology analysis is considered as a complex of three anatomically separated modules of neurocranium, face and mandible [Kondo et al., 2005]. <...> We compare growth profi les (changes in size) and allometric relationship of each module for 28 nonadult Neanderthals, 21 nonadult Paleolithic AMH and 470 modern children. <...> Comparative data show the close allometric relationship of Neanderthals and Staroselie child only in neurocranium/face developmental trend. <...> NEANDERTHALS IN ALTAI HIGHLAND AND THEIR MORPHOLOGICAL PATTERNS Mednikova Maria Institute of archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Neanderthal remains in Altai are identifi ed in locations subdivided by hundreds of kilometers. <...> The purpose of this study is to considertheir postcranial morphological patterns. <...> While the totality of postcranial morphological traits suggests that those humans were Neanderthals, certain archaic traits link them with Homo erectus (Mednikova, 2011a). <...> They were least similar to early anatomically modern humans of the Skhul and Qafzeh group and most similar to Near Eastern Neanderthals such as Tabun C1 and partly Shanidar. <...> Recently studied high-quality genome sequence of a woman indicated Neanderthal presence in “home cave” of Denisovans (Prufer et al., 2014). <...> The proximal pedal phalanx of DNA owner from Denisova Cave is broad relative to its height (Mednikova, 2011b). <...> This opposes the Denisova individual to most modern members of the genus <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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