РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Eating habits of teacher candidates

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Section HUMANS and ENVIRONMENT EATING HABITS OF TEACHER CANDIDATES Vitбlyos Gбbor Бron1 , Dancs Gбbor2 Hungary 2 , Darvay Sarolta1 1Eцtvцs Lorбnd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education, Department of Natural Sciences, Eцtvцs Lorбnd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education, Department of Mathematics, Hungary Apart from parents, teachers have a determining role in forming studentsattitude to health. <...> Consequently, creating and forming a health attitude that meet modern principles has to have a great emphasis in teacher training. <...> The research includes measuring body composition, evaluating results and consultation of fi rst-year students of primary, pre-school and nursery education. <...> Our aim is to screen students belonging to a risk group because of their nourishment. <...> After investigating the students’ family relationships, we had a questionnaire about their family anamnesis, health status, eating habits and free time activities. <...> Their physical status was examined by the In Body 720 body composition analyzer. <...> With the semi-longitudinal survey we tried to fi nd out whether students belonging to the risk group accepted our advice and changed their lifestyle. <...> Their different physical status would prove that during their second examination, two years after the fi rst one. <...> The health status of the students is estimated, including their self-evaluation about their body shape, their nutritional habits, fi tness index, obesity diagnosis, the relationship between parents’ education level and students’ nutritional status, and correlation between parents’ and students’ BMI. <...> The practical relevance of our survey is that the possible positive change in students’ health comportment attitude will have a good effect on the lifestyle of the future generations. <...> Key words: BMI, healthy lifestyle, obesity, In Body 720 body composition analyzer Contact information: Vitбlyos Gбbor Бron, e-mail: <...> A CASE STUDY OF HOMO SAPIENS MANDIBLE VARIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH HABITAT Vorontsova Elena, Pupykin Vadim Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Intraspecifi c variability of a modern human mandible was determined using a principal component analysis following by a varimax rotation. <...> Individual standardized data for the following <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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