РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Association between orcadian phase and light before bedtime in Japanese children and their parents

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Section PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 2D:4D RATIO AND HORMONAL STATUS IN SCHOOL CHILDREN FROM THREE REGIONS OF RUSSIA: SEX AND AGE DIFFERENCES Fedenok Julia1 , Butovskaya Marina1 , Burkova Valentina1 , Selverova Nelly2 , Ermakova Irina2 Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia The relevance of 2D:4D ratio to prenatal level of androgenization has been currently in the center of at1Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2 tention. <...> The data on association between 2D:4D and testostosterone in adult males are highly inconsistent. <...> In this paper we present the data on 2D:4D ratios on both hands, saliva testosterone and cortisol levels in the sample of 1545 boys (mean age: 13.49 2.18 years) and 1716 girls (mean age: 13.56 2.16 years) from three regions of Russia (Central, Volga-river and Northern Caucasus regions). <...> Mean 2D:4D ratio differed signifi cantly in boys and girls (0.97 and 0.98 respectively) on both hands. <...> Both saliva testosterone and cortisol levels were higher in boys, compared to girls. <...> The effects of the region and age were signifi cant as well. <...> No association between testosterone level and 2D:4D ratio were found for both sexes. <...> We discuss our data in the light of previously publish data on testosterone and the digit ratio. <...> Key words: 2D:4D, saliva testosterone and cortisol, sex, age Contact information: Fedenok Julia, e-mail: 129 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CIRCADIAN PHASE AND LIGHT BEFORE BEDTIME IN JAPANESE CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS Higuchi Shigekazu, Lee Sang-il, Nagafuchi Yuki, Harada Kazuki Department of Human Science, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan It has been pointed out that the children have short sleep time and late bedtime in some countries. <...> Since we have already reported that photosensitivity to light in children is larger than that in adults, exposure to artifi cial light at night may be a cause of delayed circadian rhythm in children. <...> In this study, association between lighting condition before bedtime and individual difference in circadian phase in children were examined. <...> Twenty children (9.21.9 years) and seventeen of their parents (41.75.0 years) volunteered to participate in this study. <...> The study was approved by the local Ethics Research Committee in Kyushu University. <...> Firstly <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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