РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Brown adipose tissue in humans

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Section PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 135 to risk group with decreasing of growth rate, skeleton size and insuffi cient content of mineral in cortical layer. <...> The application of national standards made it possible to establish insuffi cient mineralization of tubular bones in 9.8% of newborns, 10.2% of children of fi rst year of life, 10.8% of two-year-old children and in 12.5% of three-year-old children. <...> Besides, it is proved that under value of speed of sound less than -1SD signifi cantly more frequent low physical development and body height less than 10th percentile were observed (p<0,05). <...> This pattern is observed in older age and especially in children with severe chronic pathology effecting linear growth. <...> Therefore, monitoring of age-related mineralization of bones using method of quantitative ultrasound examination makes it possible to form risk group with disorders of physiological processes of mineralization of skeleton and linear growth for benefi t of practical signifi cance. <...> Key words: children, quantitative ultrasound examination, mineralization of skeleton, linear growth. <...> BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE IN HUMANS: PRESENCE AND ACTIVITY Son’kin Valentine1,2 , Akimov Egor1 Yakushkin Andrey1 1 , Andreev Roman2 , Kalenov Yuriy2 Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow, Russia 2Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia Over the past 7 years the interest in brown adipose tissue (BAT) has increased dramatically due to several bright publications in which it was shown that active BAT is found not only in infants but also in 70–80% of adults. <...> In animal models, the effi ciency of BAT in the prevention of the obesity and type 2 diabetes has been proven. <...> Therefore, when in January, 2012, a hormone IRISIN was discovered, which is produced by muscles during their activity and stimulates transformation of white fat cells into BAT cells or similar ones (“beige”ones), expectations have been raised on the use of certain therapeutic techniques for the increase in the amount of active BAT in adult humans. <...> It is shown that the production of irisin in muscles occurs both at movement, and at thermogenic shivering in cold conditions. <...> To date, it became apparent <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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