РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Профессиональное образование в современном мире/2016/№ 1/


В  тексте сделана попытка изучить полицейскую этику в контексте ее практического применения. В статье представлены результаты исследования общественного мнения о профессиональной этике полицейских и обобщены основные моменты, в которых граждане чаще всего вступают в контакт с полицией. Автор показывает, что на общественное мнение влияют не меры ответственности, накладываемые полицией, а методы их достижения.

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Резюме по документу**
Vol. 6. no. 1. pp. 121–124 DOI: 10.15372/PEMW20160119 ISSN 2224-1841 (print) 2016 Federal State State-Funded Higher Institution Novosibirsk State Agrarian University POLICE ETHICS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА ПОЛИЦЕЙСКОЙ ЭТИКИ DOI: 10.15372/PEMW20160119 Łukasz Moniuszko University of Economy, Slupsk, Poland, e-mail: Abstract. <...> The text is a an attempt to show the police ethics from a practical point of view. <...> The author presents the results of research on public opinion on the professional ethics of policemen and shows the areas in which people frequently come into contact with the police. <...> The author argues that this is not the penalties imposed by the police impact on public opinion but the way to achieve them. <...> Professionalnoe obrazovanie v sovremennom mire = Professional education in the modern world, 2016, vol. 6, no. 1. pp. 121–124 (in Eng, abstr. in Russ.) DOI: 10.15372/PEMW20160119 DOI: 10.15372/PEMW20160119 Лукаш Монюшко Университет экономики, Слупск, Республика Польша, e-mail: Аннотация. <...> A police officer in the performance of official duties, always doomed to make moral choices. <...> In such cases, the police officer must make a choice between the value generally considered to be a positive and a negative value. <...> In general, however, especially in the operational work – this applies to the police criminal division, must choose the lesser evil. <...> The ethics officer, the fundamental moral directives are the rule of law and respect for human dignity. <...> These characteristics determine the place and role of a policeman in the state and society also define duties and, consequently, a reminder of the subservient role of the police against the law branded by the state and the citizen. „The nature and specifics of operational work and the criminal investigation as a lens focus in themselves mentioned Directives require moral and remember them during all those activities” [2, p. 22]. <...> Often, policeman, wanting to protect the lives, dignity and well-being of citizens, forced to use coercive measures, which consist of, among other things firearm – as a last resort and only exceptional and physical strength. <...> Moral responsibility officer requires himself to the use of these funds it was as least painful for the a national [3, p. 70]. <...> Frequent being a police officer in the criminal world, can lead to perdition by their personality <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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