РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Тихоокеанский медицинский журнал/2016/№ 2/

Сосудистая дисфункция и периадвентициальная жировая ткань

К настоящему времени расшифрованы основные механизмы регуляции сосудистого тонуса. Считается, в частности, что жировая ткань, окружающая сосуды, служит источником ADRF (adipocyte-derived relaxing factor). Важно отметить, что именно локальные паракринные расстройства могут стать причиной сосудистой дисфункции. Наиболее вероятным кандидатом на роль ADRF называют сероводород (H2S). На экспериментальных моделях ожирения, артериальной гипертонии и метаболического синдрома доказано наличие и других соединений, участвующих в периадвентициальной регуляции сосудистого тонуса посредством влияния на калиевые каналы клеточных мембран. Вазоактивные структуры жировых клеток или их рецепторы могут оказаться перспективными мишенями для разработки новых сердечно-сосудистых препаратов.

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Обзоры УДК 611.018.26:546.221.1:616.12 Vascular dysfunction and periadVentitial adipose tissue D. Tsvetkov, I.A. Szijбrtу, N. Wang, J.-Y. Tano, M. Gollasch Charitй – University Medicine, Experimental and Clinical Research Center, a joint cooperation of the Charitй and Max Delbrьck Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (Lindenberger 80, Weg 13125 Berlin, Germany) Keywords: body mass index, adipocytes, vasoactive factors, hydrogen sulfide. <...> VASCULAR DYSFUNCTION AND PERIADVENTITIAL ADIPOSE TISSUE Tsvetkov D., Szijбrtу I.A., Wang N., Tano J.-Y., Gollasch M. Charite University Medicine Berlin (80 Lindenberger Weg 13125 Berlin, Germany) Summary. <...> Over the last years, concerted efforts have helped to uncover and understand the basic mechanisms of periadventitial regulation of arterial tone by perivascular adipose tissue. <...> Basically, perivascular adipose tissue serves as source for “Adipocyte-derived relaxing factor” (ADRF), an essential player in the control of vascular tone of visceral and other arteries. <...> Importantly, its disturbed local, paracrine activity is able to cause vascular dysfunction. <...> Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a putative candidate for ADRF, which has received increased attention. <...> The importance of this and other candidates for periadventitial vasoregulation has been recently explored in rodent models of obesity, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. <...> Pharmacological tools have been successfully used to clarify the role of potassium channels involved in these conditions. <...> Results of the Gollasch Maik – MD, PhD, Section Nephrology/Intensive Care of Experimental and Clinical Research Center; e-mail: Framingham study show that an increased BMI is an independent risk factor for death from heart failure [14]. <...> In fact, almost all arteries of our body are enveloped by perivascular adipose tissue. <...> An increasing number of research groups have begun to study possible paracrine functions of adipose tissue in cardiovascular health and disease. <...> Adipocyte-derived relaxing factor In 2002, our research group made the fundamental observation that visceral perivascular adipose tissue can directly regulate vascular tone of aortic rings and mesenteric arteries of Sprague-Dawley rats without involvement of the sympathetic nervous system. <...> This new principle of paracrine regulation of vascular <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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