РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Успехи геронтологии / Advances in Gerontology/2015/№ 4/


In the 21st century mankind has made a huge progress in the health care system, so the average life expectancy has increased signiёcantly compared to the previous centuries. The managing of healthy ageing of the population represents one of the main actual problems of the national health care systems around the world as the aged population is increasing, so, for instance, it is estimated that there will be over 2 billion people worldwide over the age of 65 by the year 2050 [36]. In particular, the age-related neurological diseases such as Parkinson Disease (PD) have seen a dramatic increase in international prevalence. Projections suggest that the neurodegenerative diseases like PD will surpass cancer as the leading cause of death by the year 2040 [36]; thus presenting an ever-growing challenge to maintain an optimal quality of life of the patients. In healthy ageing, cognitive skills impair naturally due to natural brain atrophy; in PD these processes are rather accelerated, so that, overwhelming clinical studies showed that dementia eventually develops in up to 80–85% of patients with PD [1, 39]. This article is focuses on evaluating the health related quality of life measurements of PD patients such as cognitive status, anxiety and stress levels as well as it aims to suggest a possible future strategy to improve the quality of life of the patients.

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P. 741–748 A. A. Akanova1, 2, S. U. Kamenova1, A. K. Yeshmanova2, A. G. Beltenova1, 2, A. M. Kondybayeva1 THE EVALUATION OF COGNITIVE SKILLS AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE BETWEEN PARKINSON DISEASE PATIENTS AND HEALTHY AGED PEOPLE ABOVE 60 YEARS OLD 1 S. D. Asfendiayrov Kazakh National Medical University, 94, ul. <...> In particular, the age-related neurological diseases such as Parkinson Disease (PD) have seen a dramatic increase in international prevalence. <...> Projections suggest that the neurodegenerative diseases like PD will surpass cancer as the leading cause of death by the year 2040 [36]; thus presenting an ever-growing challenge to maintain an optimal quality of life of the patients. <...> In healthy ageing, cognitive skills impair naturally due to natural brain atrophy; in PD these processes are rather accelerated, so that, overwhelming clinical studies showed that dementia eventually develops in up to 80–85 % of patients with PD [1, 39]. <...> This article is focuses on evaluating the health related quality of life measurements of PD patients such as cognitive status, anxiety and stress levels as well as it aims to suggest a possible future strategy to improve the quality of life of the patients. <...> In particular, the age-related neurological diseases such as Parkinson Disease (PD) have seen a dramatic increase in international prevalence. <...> Projections suggest that the neurodegenerative diseases like PD will surpass cancer as the leading cause of death by the year 2040 [36]; Parkinson’s disease is an age-associated progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the brain, and affects 1 % of the population over 60 years old [61]. <...> PD was thought to be an exceptionally motor disorder, but the latest research showed that there are also nonmotor symptoms [10, 12, 32]. <...> Approximately 25 % of cognitively intact patients with Parkinson’s disease meet neuropsychological test criteria for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) [2, 27] and most of them develop dementia as the disease progresses [1, 31]. <...> MCI is an intermediate stage between normal ageing and dementia that was initially conceptualized as a prodrome of severe dementia. <...> Unfortunately, there is no well-understood biochemical or anatomical <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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