Изучено эмбриотоксическое действие кормовой добавки b-СЕТ. После анализа полученных результатов установлено, что добавка кормовая b-СЕТ при испытании в дозах, превышавших лечебнопрофилактические, не обладает эмбриотоксическим действием. По результатам определение кожнораздражающего действия добавки кормовой b-СЕТ было установлено отсутствие признаков воспалительного и раздражающего действия кожного покрова. Изучение влияния добавки кормовой b-СЕТ на уровень антител в сыворотке крови мышей показало, что добавка кормовая b-СЕТ не оказывает влияния на изменение титров агглютининов у мышей.
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В этом же номере:
Резюме по документу**
The article presents the results of analysis of the
sources and the level of radio-active contamination
of feed for cattle, depending on the type of soil contamina-tion
density, their agrochemical properties
and particle size distribution, and bio-logical features
of cultivated fodder crops associated with
varietal characteris-tics, type of root system, productivity,
length of the growing season, and the intensity
of the absorption of nutrients. <...> Radioactive contamination of land created conditions
under which for several decades has become
impossible in normal operation located on it farmland,
as the radionuclides contained in the soil can
affect the amount and quality of the harvest process,
accumulating in plants in such an amount that the
feed become unsuitable for food use radiation safety
standards. <...> High levels of radionuclides in the environment
and the use of radionuclide-contaminated
feed for fattening beef and milk production leads to
the appearance of these elements in various animal
products. <...> Therefore, at this time in order to minimize
the total radiation dose in animals and produce quality
meat and dairy products is necessary to ensure
the production of feed within control levels, based
on the production technology and features of the
movement of radionuclides through food chains, and
all agricultural enterprises having in their composition
contaminated with radionuclides lands should
be conducted veterinary and sanitary control and
special events that will reduce to an acceptable value
of the level of contamina-tion of feed, suitable for
animal feed and further technological processing. <...> 087.8:001.891.53
b-СЕТ <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности
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