РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Педиатрическая фармакология/2016/№ 2/

Newsletter February 2016, 22 EDITORIAL: DESTINATION EUROPE

Over the last few years, and particularly during the recent companied minor migrants are at serious risk to be further past months, several countries of the European Union (EU) deprived of their rights, and to become de facto “invisible” to have dealt with increasing numbers of unaccompanied the authorities, to the public health services, and in general minor migrants, mainly originating from countries experien- to the public opinion. Furthermore, when they arrive at a cing armed conflicts and oppression, or abuses of human destination, or more frequently during their journey through rights. Europe, many children often vanish.

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Materials of EPA/UNEPSA and IPA EDITORIAL: DESTINATION EUROPE Newsletter February 2016, 22 Over the last few years, and particularly during the recent past months, several countries of the European Union (EU) have dealt with increasing numbers of unaccompanied minor migrants, mainly originating from countries experiencing armed conflicts and oppression, or abuses of human rights. <...> These children, also defined as “separated children,” are under 18 years of age, are outside their home country, apart from their parents or their previous legal or custo mary primary caregiver, and are traveling to Europe typically to escape conditions of serious deprivation or exploitation. <...> The recent extraordinary migration’s waves typically point to the northern European countries, using two main routes. <...> The sea route, entering Europe mainly through Greece, Malta and Italy, and the land route through the Balkans. <...> Because of their particular helpless condition, the unaccompanied minor migrants are at serious risk to be further deprived of their rights, and to become de facto “invisible” to the authorities, to the public health services, and in general to the public opinion. <...> Furthermore, when they arrive at a destination, or more frequently during their journey through Europe, many children often vanish. <...> In this article, the EPA/UNEPSA members Italian Fede ration of Pediatricians (Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri — FIMP) and the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) in collaboration with EPA/UNEPSA raise the awareness of the pediatric community on this matter, and emphasize the significant role that the national European societies of pediatrics may play in helping to contain the negative outcomes of these phenomena by activating dedicated task forces. <...> Massimo Pettoello Mantovani HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 7th EUROPAEDIATRICS CONGRESS IN FLORENCE: THE PAST-PRESIDENT RUBINO’S WELLCOME ADDRESS Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and Friends, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Seventh “Europediatrics” Meeting — an event that confirms and reinforces the close ties existing between the EPA, Italy and the Italian paediatricians. <...> Indeed it was in the Congress held in Rome in the year 2000 that the name “Europediatrics” was coined. <...> Appreciation to the President of the European Paediatric Association Professor Leyla Namazova, to the President of the Congress and President of the Italian Society of Pediatrics Professor Giovanni Corsello, to my Italian colleagues who served on the Organizing <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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