РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Педиатрическая фармакология/2016/№ 2/
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E-learning is of growing importance in the medical and short summary of all lessons covered in each unit. At the conlife science education fields. Due to evergrowing globaliza- clusion of each unit a CME Test is available. Having worked tion and the increased need for flexibility, even in the medical though all lessons the user should be familiar with the conarena, new and innovative methods of education and life- tents of the unit and able to successfully complete the CME long learning are burning issues. Moreover, time, travel and test at the end of each unit. cost constraints make flexible access to education neces- Each module ends with a Case-based Training. The sary. Also in the CME for paediatricians, there is a need for purpose of this virtual situation training is to give users the up-to-date scientific based contents with direct reference possibility to apply their newly acquired knowledge to practito practical application. Still, e-learning courses in CME cal case studies. The case-based training is purely for the are often unregulated, with biased content and run by non- users’ additional benefit and is not connected to the CME academic, non-public providers. Moreover, their contents are certificate. of narrow width and depths, incomplete and without regular Additionally, users have the opportunity to communicate updates. Thus, there is an urgent need for CME e-learning of with each other or with the ENeA team via a Discussion unbiased, up-to-date and high quality contents which offer Forum. For ease of use, abbreviations are linked to provide easy and mobile access to allow for self-paced, interactive the user with an immediate relevant explanation and all learning. references in the modules are linked to the reference list. The Early Nutrition eAcademy (ENeA, http://www.early- A comprehensive list of all references used in the modules is a free of charge e-learning co- can be downloaded.

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PAEDIATRIC E-LEARNING The E-Learning in Paediatric Medical Continuing Education (CME) E-learning is of growing importance in the medical and life science education fields. <...> Moreover, time, travel and cost constraints make flexible access to education necessary. <...> Still, e-learning courses in CME are often unregulated, with biased content and run by nonacademic, non-public providers. <...> Moreover, their contents are of narrow width and depths, incomplete and without regular updates. <...> Thus, there is an urgent need for CME e-learning of unbiased, up-to-date and high quality contents which offer easy and mobile access to allow for self-paced, interactive learning. <...> The Early Nutrition eAcademy (ENeA, is a free of charge e-learning cooperation initiated by the Early Nutrition Academy (ENA) and the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital at the LMU Medical Center Munich, Germany. <...> Current international recommendations, meta-analysis, systematic reviews and latest scientific findings are consolidated and translated into practical application. <...> ENeA provides accredited e-learning modules for CME on topics in the area of early nutrition and lifestyle. <...> The e-modules target healthcare professionals (HCP) and new investigators worldwide who aim to deepen their knowledge and improve healthcare services in the area of early nutrition. <...> Each unit is then sub-divided into smaller, clearly designated Lessons which encompass the most important and relevant aspects of the main topic. <...> In addition, reference lists on selected topics provides users with sources for further and more detailed information. <...> At the conclusion of each unit a CME Test is available. <...> Having worked though all lessons the user should be familiar with the contents of the unit and able to successfully complete the CME test at the end of each unit. <...> Additionally, users have the opportunity to communicate with each other or with the ENeA team via a Discussion Forum. <...> For ease of use, abbreviations are linked to provide the user with an immediate relevant explanation and all references in the modules are linked to the reference list. <...> A comprehensive list of all references used in the modules can be downloaded. <...> An e-Learning Module on “Complementary Feeding” One of the available modules on the platform is on the specific theoretical and practical aspects of complementary feeding. <...> The module addresses timely and appropriate complementary feeding practices for infants <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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