РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Педиатрическая фармакология/2016/№ 2/


The value of antimicrobial stewardship to reduce its spread, including antimicrobial stewardship. Antimicrobial resistance is a significant and rising threat Antimicrobial stewardship is a multifaceted effort to ensure to global health, threatening the effective treatment of infec- the optimal selection, dosage, and duration of antimicrotions caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. bial treatment that results in the best clinical outcome for Antimicrobial resistance is present in all regions of the world, the treatment of infection, while minimizing toxicity to the and new mechanisms of resistance continue to emerge and patient and impact on subsequent resistance. Antimicrobial spread globally. Overuse of antimicrobials drives antimicro- stewardship programs (ASPs) have been shown to prevent bial resistance. medication errors, reduce healthcare costs, and reduce rates

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170 rent studies reporting the age at which complementary foods are introduced, this unit outlines how the timing of complementary foods can have immediate or later health consequences. <...> Both too early and too late introduction of complementary foods can have undesirable health effects. <...> Divided into several lessons, the user will learn about health outcomes such as obesity, atopic diseases and cardiovascular disease, as well as some other health effects associated with complementary feeding such as the risk of dental ca ries, and the risk of infections. <...> This unit presents the learner with some specific issues associated with complementary feeding in developing countries including the health impacts of inadequate provision of complementary foods, addressing specific nutritional deficiencies and stunting. <...> The third unit presents practical aspects of complementary feeding: composition and preparation. <...> Current, scientifically based recommendations on the practical aspects including the preparation and composition of complementary foods are subject of this unit. <...> In addition, the unit provides evidence for the recommendations on vegetarian and vegan diets during the complementary feeding period. <...> The last unit is on physiological aspects during the complementary feeding period. <...> This unit addresses the biological and developmental aspects during the complementary feeding period. <...> Moreover, the development of taste and food preferences is discussed as well as growth patterns during the complementary feeding period. <...> ENeA goes Regional — Adaptations for Paediatric e-Learning in specific settings The English language umbrella platform ENeA Global is currently being diversified to regional and country specific requirements through dedicated sub-projects such as ENeA China, ENeA Turkey and ENeA SEA (South East Asia). <...> Up to date, a total of more than 5,000 health care professionals from 142 countries in the world are actively taking part in the ENeA programme — so feel free to join in as well under! <...> Biol., MBE Berthold Koletzko, Dr med Dr med habil (MD PhD), Univ.-Professor of Paediatrics Div. Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital University of Munich Medical Center Lindwurmstr. 4, D-80337 Munich, Germany INTERNATIONAL CONTRIBUITIONS: AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS (AAP) IN COLLABORATION WITH THE EUROPEAN PAEDIATRICS ASSOCIATION (EPA <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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