Literacy is the ability to utilize written information to listening task, where narrative alternated with tones. Higher м а expand and share knowledge in order to optimally function in reading exposure (using the validated StimQ-P Reading л а society. Literacy acquisition involves a complex interplay subscale score which measures frequency of reading and и р of genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors, only number and variety of children’s books available at home) е т the latter of which are directly modifiable (1). Emergent lite- was positively correlated (p < 0.05, corrected) with neural а м racy is defined as the skills, knowledge, and attitudes sup- activation in the left sided parietal-temporal-occipital assoо П porting reading and writing that develop from infancy, when ciation cortex, a “hub” region supporting semantic language parents are often a child’s first and most important teachers. processing, controlling for household income. It should be Cognitively constructive home environments, especially prior emphasized that these children, although 7 of them were to school entry, provide an essential foundation for emergent from low income families had on average over a hundred of literacy. Parent–child reading exposes the child (and caregi- children’s books at home. vers) to a larger variety of words than are otherwise spo- The study for the first time demonstrated an associaken during everyday conversation, especially in low socio- tion between home reading environment and activation of economic status households (2,3) and has been described specific brain regions supporting emergent literacy during as ‘the single most important activity for developing the the prekindergarten period and provides neurobiological knowledge required for eventual success in reading’ (4), confirmation of the benefits of home reading shown by explaining much of the variance in language, emergent litera- behavioural studies and provide further support to procy skills and achievement in children, independent of socio- grams, such as Reach out and Read in the Unites States, economic status. Parent-child reading since early infancy is Book start in the UK and Natiper Leggere in Italy, where widely advocated to promote cognitive development, and is paediatrician and other child professionals encourage recommended by several pediatric associations worldwide. parents to read to their babies since the first year of life. Although parent-child reading has been shown in beha- These programs are aimed at maximizing caregiver–child vioral and intervention studies to improve oral language and engagement through dialogic reading, where the child is print concepts, quantifiable effects on the brain have not stimulated to apply and exercise a broad range of language been previously studied. Hutton et al. (5) found an associa- and executive function abilities.