РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Kutafin University Law Review (KULawR)/2015/№ 2/


The paper presents the general review of the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum and the discussions that took place within six panels. The speakers of the international conference of the Bar Association of the Russian Federation Enhancing the Independence of the Judiciary and the Adversarial Principle: the Standpoint of the Bar stressed that the court system cannot develop without strong and independent lawyers. The round table Legal Barriers on Access to World Cultural Heritage. Is there a solution? reflected the discussions on cultural valuables as a subject of inter-museum cooperation and international dealings. The discussion at the round table What Pension System Does Modern Russia Need? is underway concerning the issue of whether post-industrial society needs a pension system and what it should look like. The participants of the round table Establishing Limits on State Sovereignty on the Internet: Boundaries of Freedom discussed acceptable limits on state intervention on the internet. Within the context of the panel discussion Protection of Personal Data: Legal Answer to the Challenges of Global Information Progress representatives of Russian regulators, lawyers of large Russian and foreign companies and renowned foreign experts in this field discussed global trends in the development of personal data protection. The round table Is International Arbitration Stagnating? Will the Asian Arbitration Centres Inject Fresh Blood into Dispute Resolution Procedures? discussed the specifics of establishing such centres for dispute resolution in Asia.

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