РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences/2016/№ 2/

The Linguistic Appraisal of Foul Language in Selected Yorщbб Video Films

Language is so subtle and complicated human phenomenon that it is used in communication for informative, expressive and directives. The environment we live is largely verbal therefore; language serves expressive function when used in conversation to get individuals to be more effective, polite and in causing or easing social tensions. In order to create social tension, foul language is usually employed. Though, the structural patterns of foul language used in everyday interaction in Yorщbб society are similar to the ones used in Yorщbб video ёlms. This assertion conёrms the generally belief that movie is a reяection of the society. The use of foul language in Yorщbб video ёlms has become a common feature to be ignored. The foul language examined in them in this study is divided into two: insults (ийbъ) and curses (иpи). The main thrust of this paper therefore, is to give a linguistic appraisal of the two types of foul language used in Yorщbб video ёlms. The paper examines the socio-semantic implications of foul language as it is used in the video ёlms and shows that insults are more frequently used than curses in the ёlms. Also, the paper examines the grammatical analysis of foul language used in the selected video ёlms and posits that while insults come in noun phrases and sentences, curses are delivered in verb phrases and sentences. The sentences used in both cases are one clause sentences which consist of NP subject and a predicate thereby making it easy to grasp.

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