РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник ОрелГАУ/2014/№ 4/


doi: 10.15217/279708

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Vestnik OrelGAU, 4(49), August 2014 UDC 338.439.+637.5 (470.343) ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS AND WAYS OF MEAT SUBCOMPLEX DEVELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARI EL Danilova O.A., Nikolaeva L.V., Associate Professors Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia E-mail: ABSTRACT Disparity of prices in the Republic of Mari El leads to the redistribution of value, created by the producers of meat raw materials, in favour of the processing industry and trade through reduced prices when buying raw meat. <...> One of the main conditions of the intensive development of meat industry in the Republic of Mari El is an accelerated growth of the consumption of meat inside the Republic, which means the transfer of this product category to the goods of prosperity for the inhabitants of the Republic. <...> This will require significantly increasing production capacities of meat processing enterprises in the territory of the Republic, which, in turn, leads to the establishment and development of regional meat cluster. <...> KEY WORDS Meat subcomplex; Meat market; Regression analysis; Meat corporation; Meat cluster. <...> Analysis of the price formation and channels of the sales of meat-processing complex in the Republic of Mari El, and the practice of price regulation of the food market has revealed a number of problems that require further improvement of economic and organizational statements, deepen and expand the range of methodical developments for practical realization of marketing. <...> Among the factors that negatively affect the economic situation of agricultural producers in the Republic of Mari El, relatively low prices of agricultural products, especially of livestock may be called. <...> This is largely due to the low demand, as well as unequal exchange relations between farmers and the enterprises of the third sphere of agro-industrial complex, which was especially evident in the first years of price liberalization and privatization of the processing enterprises. <...> On the one hand, the impact of anti-monopoly measures of control by the federal and regional executive authorities, on the other - the leaders of the processing enterprises have long understood the danger of the destruction of the resource base. <...> All this created the preconditions for the organizational and economic convergence of agricultural and processing enterprises, starting with coordination of activities and ending with their complete integration. <...> The central problem of any agro-industrial formation is associated with the optimization of the mechanism of economic relations between processors and suppliers of agricultural raw materials, for whom barter aspect of relations is very important <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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