Митохондрии – динамичные органеллы, подверженные
регулируемому делению/фрагментации (производство
органелл меньшего размера) или же слиянию (произ-
водство трубчатых или сетчатых митохондриальных
структур). Показано, что эти процессы протекают по
более сложному механизму, чем представлялось ранее.
Исследования последних лет показали, что члены се-
мейства Bcl-2 в дополнение к их ключевой роли в регулировании апоптоза вовлечены в поддержание сетчатой
структуры митохондрий. В данном обзоре обсуждаются механизмы регулирования деления/слияния митохондрий и роль членов семейства Bcl-2 в регулировании динамики митохондриального деления/слияния. DOI:10.15217/issn1998984-9.2014.27.33
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В этом же номере:
Резюме по документу**
Органический синтез и биотехнология
УДК 576.311.347+577.23/.24
O.A. Fedorova3
D.D. Orlova1
, T.A. Grigoreva2
, V.G. Tribulovich4
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical
university), Moskovskiy Pr., 26, St. Petersburg, 190013, Russia
e-mail: orlova.daria.d@gmail.com
Mitochondria are cellular organelles responsible for cell
energy balance. <...> Such organelles are in dynamic homeostasis
maintained by two different processes: regulated fission
(fragmentation), which leads to smaller organelle formation,
and fusion, which mediates tubular and netlike mitochondrial
structure formation. <...> Regulation of such processes turned out
to be more complex than it supposed to be and in spite of
discovered proteins which regulate fission / fusion processes,
new proteins which control these processes were recently
identified. <...> Recently, Bcl-2 family members have been shown
to be implicated in mitochondrial netlike structure maintenance
in addition to their key role in regulation of apoptosis. <...> In this
review we discuss mitochondrial fission / fusion mechanisms
regulation and summarize available data on the role of Bcl-2
family members in the mitochondrial fission / fusion dynamics
regulation. <...> Mitochondria act as key regulators of apoptosis in
tablished many years ago, however, the recent studies of mitochondrial
dynamics have shown their role in a number of
other physiological processes taking place at the cellular level
in health and disease. <...> Mitochondria are dynamic organelles
exposed to regulated fission, fusion, branching, intracellular
localization changes, compositional changes including
mitochondrial genome, reshaping, and quantity adjustment. <...> Mitochondrial morphology and their number depend on the
balance between fusion and fission rates. <...> Shift towards the
fusion process enables the formation of extended interconnected
mitochondrial networks, whereas shift towards fission
provoke production of a large amount of morphologically and
functionally different small spherical organelles. <...> These processes
are controlled by proteins of the mitochondrial dynamics
machinery and play vital role in normal cell physiology.
mammalian cells. <...> Mitochondria involvement in
apoptosis is regulated by Bcl-2 (B-cell lymphoma 2) protein. <...> This protein retains cells from death and under certain conditions
plays the role of oncogene. <...> Besides, mitochondria contribute
to cell <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности
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