Проблема поствакцинальных осложнений была и остается важной проблемой ветеринарной науки. Не исключением является вакцинопрофилактика сальмонеллеза. Установлено, что применение формол-янтарного биостимулятора при вакцинации поросят позволяет выражено усилить специфический иммуногенез и исключить поствакцинальные осложнения.
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В этом же номере:
Резюме по документу**
Vestnik OrelGAU, 1(52), February 2015
UDC / УДК 619:616-084:616.981.49:636.4
Sazonova V.V., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences
Сазонова В. <...> Н., кандидат биологических наук
Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia
ФГБОУ ВПО Орел ГАУ, Орел, Россия
*E-mail: elenapremudra@yandex.ru
The problem postvaccinal complications was and remains an important problem of a
veterinary science. <...> Application of
formol-amber biostimulant at bacterination of pigs by an alive vaccine to enhance specific
immunegenesis and to exclude postvaccinal complications. <...> Установлено, что применение формол-янтарного биостимулятора при вакцинации
поросят позволяет выражено усилить специфический иммуногенез и исключить
поствакцинальные осложнения. <...> Original and at the same time rather simple approach in a solution of a problem
postvaccinal complications has been used by Terjuhanovym of Century B. (1968). <...> For this
purpose it used formol-glycerin latent solvent at bacterination of pigs against a plague. <...> According to the author use formol-glycerine latent solvent at bacterination of pigs against a
plague an alive vaccine allows to exclude completely postvaccinal complications. <...> As a matter
of fact in many respects the similar approach not without success has been realised by
Laskavym V. N (1996) at vaccinal prevention transmissible virus gastroenteritis at pigs. <...> For
these purposes the author used 0,2-0,3 % solution of formalin which rendered
immunostimulatory action on an organism of animals and at the same time promoted
decrease in virulence of inducers of gastrointestinal diseases. <...> In our opinion for the correction decision immunometabolic processes at vaccinal
prevention against a salmonellosis our workings out represent quite concrete practical
interest, as has caused carrying out of the yielded researches. <...> Studying of influence of succinic and formol-amber
biostimulants on immunometabolic a state and preventive maintenance of complications at
bacterination against a salmonellosis was made on pigs-otemyshah by 1,5 monthly age. <...> For experience carrying out it has been generated three experimental bunches. <...> Bacterination of pigs have made an alive vaccine against a salmonellosis from the
HARDWARE strain - 177. <...> Thus to pigs of the first bunch (n = 17) it is one-stage with a
vaccine succinic biostimulant in a dose of 3,0 ml, and to pigs of the second bunch (n = 19) in
similar volume formolz-amber biostimulant <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности
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