РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Sensation seeking and health-protecting and reproductive strategies

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Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY MODEL CHARACTERISTICS OF ATHLETES IN WATER POLO AND HANDBALL Komissarova Elena1 , Panasyuk Tatyana2 1Department of Anatomy, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia 2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow, Russia Game activity of athletes is characterized by richness of the contents and a variety of actions. <...> In water polo teams three game roles are distinguished: center forwards, mobile forwards and defenders. <...> In handball there are two main game roles: players specializing on throws from far distances (central) and those who ends the “fast breaks” (extreme). <...> The aim of the paper is to reveal model characteristics of the athletes depending on their game roles. <...> Center forwards and defenders possess more massive body build, while mobile forwards have more gracile structure. <...> Factor analysis isolated fi ve factors, the 1st having the greatest loadings in total, length and girths traits. <...> Extreme players represent three types: MAS, MES and micromesosomatic (МIMES) at the age of 10–13 years, with almost equal proportion of these somatotypes. <...> At the 14–16-years period players of MIMES (53.8–-85%) and MES type (15.4–46%) prevails, thus showing their instability in the pubertal period. <...> It may be concluded that at the very fi rst stage of training in handball it is possible to differentiate young athletes of macrosomatic type as the future players of the central line, and those of micromesosomatic type as extreme players. <...> Key words: sports anthropology, game role of athletes, model characteristics, body types Contact information: Komissarova Elena, e-mail:, Panasyuk Tatyana, e-mail: 31 SENSATION SEEKING AND HEALTH-PROTECTING AND REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGIES Kornienko Dmitrii, Derish Fedor Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Psychological Institute, Perm, Russia Sensation seeking (Zuckerman, 1971) can be seen as personality trait representing the psychological basis of adaptation strategies, formed in evolution. <...> Higher sensation seeking (SS) is associated with reproductive behavior (Farthing, 2005; Cooping et al., 2013). <...> SS correlates with status and reputation, higher SS is <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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