РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

The analysis of methods of gender dimorphism assessment by example of adult Belarussian population

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102 Section HUMANS and ENVIRONMENT THE ANALYSIS OF METHODS OF GENDER DIMORPHISM ASSESSMENT BY EXAMPLE OF ADULT BELARUSSIAN POPULATION Zimina Sofya, Goncharova Natalia Department of Anthropology, Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia According to the hypothesis widely spread in the scientifi c literature, the male sex is more sensitive to unfavorable infl uences of exogenous and endogenous factors. <...> For confi rmation of this hypothesis, a lot of works is devoted to the analysis of the degree of gender dimorphism. <...> Parameters used for the assessment of the degree of gender dimorphism are often interchangeable and demonstrate certain limitations in practice. <...> Thus, it is important to compare different methods of assessment in order to reveal the most convenient/informative parameters. <...> Namely: coeffi cient of gender dimorphism (GDC), t-criterion, D-index and Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion (K-S). <...> A sample from a native Belorussian population described in the 1970’s served as a study material. <...> The data were accumulated in accordance with the complex anthropometric program. <...> We distributed all examined subjects in three age groups. <...> All four indices were calculated for separated parameters in each age-specifi c category. <...> All assessment methods have demonstrated age-dependent increase of the degree of gender dimorphism in case of circumferential parameters. <...> The most prominent differences in the degree of gender dimorphism between age-specifi c cohorts have been revealed for signs connected with fat development. <...> The degree of gender dimorphism on these parameters increases signifi cantly in the senior age group. <...> The t-criterion is different from the GDC criterion by the multiplication factor connected with the sample size, and it is not suitable for comparison of groups differing in the number of subjects; 2. <...> In case the curve of theoretical distribution is incorrect, a calculated value of D-criterion does not correspond to empirical data. 3. <...> Among all the studied methods, the most universal parameters of gender dimorphism are the GDC and K-S. <...> Key words: anthropometry, gender dimorphism, coeffi cient of gender dimorphism, D-index Contact information: Zimina Sofya, e-mail:, Goncharova Natalia, e-mail: <...> The analysis of methods of gender dimorphism assessment by example of adult Belarussian population! <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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