РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Stressing out in transition - the case of upper secondary school students from Zagreb, Croatia

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34 Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY STRESSING OUT IN TRANSITION – THE CASE OF UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS FROM ZAGREB, CROATIA Martinović Klarić Irena1 , Peternel Lana1 , Malnar Ana2 1Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 2Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb, Croatia This anthropological account explores manifestations of psychosocial stress in youth as a response to cultural changes in the transitional (post socialist and post confl ict and now the European Union) context of contemporary Croatia. <...> For youth a successful transition to independent adulthood requires competences in dealing with various age specifi c developmental tasks, each of which might represent a specifi c stressor. <...> Analytical approaches based on the cultural consensus and cultural consonance theories are used to assess the associations of various cultural domains of everyday life to the stress outcome measurements of salivary biomarkers. <...> Saliva is useful for population studies of psychosocial stress because it allows non invasive collection of samples in non clinical settings. <...> Two salivary biomarkers of stress physiology are selected for laboratory testing: cortisol (the central hormone in the physiology of stress, a biomarker of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis) and alpha amylase (a surrogate marker of the sympathetic nervous system activity that parallels stress related increase in norepinephrine). <...> The results are presented from a recent pilot study using cultural consensus and cultural consonance analyses on salivary cortisol and alpha amylase levels in the group of the upper secondary school students from Zagreb, Croatia. <...> This pilot study illustrates the usefulness of complementing recent developments in cognitive and cultural anthropology with research in biological anthropology. <...> Key words: stress, salivary biomarkers, youth, cultural consensus and cultural consonance Contact information: Martinović Klarić Irena, e-mail: irena@idi.hr4, Peternel Lana, e-mail: <...> MORPHOGENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED WOMEN FREESTYLE WRESTLERS Martirosova Karina Department of biomedical support MGFSO, Moscow Sport Committee, Moscow, Russia The fi ngerprint dermatoglyphics of 75 top Russian female freestyle wrestlers of three conditional weight categories (light, medium and heavy) was studied with the use of hardware-software complex “Malachite”. <...> It is established that for the whole sample (irrespective of weight categories) the typical <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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