РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Body composition in Russians as assessed by bioimpedance analysis

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42 Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY BODY COMPOSITION IN RUSSIANS AS ASSESSED BY BIOIMPEDANCE ANALYSIS: THE POPULATION REFERENCE DATA AND SOME COMPARISONS Rudnev Sergey1,2 , Soboleva Nadezhda2 Nikolaev Dmitry4 1 , Sterlikov Sergey2 , Chernykh Svetlana3 Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Informatics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia Federation, Moscow, Russia 3 4Scientifi c Research Centre «Medas», Moscow, Russia 819,808 Russian males and females aged 5-97 years, who represented nearly 0.6% of the total Russian population, were assessed cross-sectionally in 2010-2012 by the same type of bioimpedance meter, ABC-01 ‘Medas’. <...> The smoothed reference centile curves for anthropometric and BIA variables, such as height, weight, BMI, body fat (BF), fat-free mass (FFM), skeletal muscle mass (SMM), body cell mass (BCM) and other (33 variables in total) were provided based on extensions of the Cole and Green LMS method realized in the software package GAMLSS. <...> At the age interval 5-25 years, our data on median weight and height showed good agreement with the updated 2002 data on the ICRP reference man. <...> As compared to the IOTF reference population, the BMI distributions in children were shifted towards excess weight, with the average BMI z-score +0.41 for boys (29.1% of them being overweight and 12.5% obese) and +0.19 for girls (23.3% overweight and 8.0% obese). 2.9% of male and 3.0% female children were undernourished. <...> The age-standardized prevalence of obesity in adults according to the conventional WHO criteria was 22.5% in men, and 31.9% in women. <...> Our data indicated an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, with the maximum in women aged 55-65 years and the likelihood of developing the disease in this group being 4-5 times higher than in the age range 18-25 years. <...> In male adults aged 50 years and elder, the metabolic syndrome risk was 1.5-2 times less than those in the females. <...> In contrast, the age-standardized prevalence of high disability risk in Russian males aged 50-85 years was more than twice as much as the corresponding value in the females (12.7% vs <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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