РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Angular morphometry of skulls of the aborigines of Loyalty Islands, Melanesia

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Section HUMAN DIVERSITY 83 Bulgaria is an area of predominance of the Dinaric type (in combination with Alpine and East Baltic types), which is characteristic of Central Europe. <...> Southern Bulgaria is the area of Atlanto-Pontian (Atlanto-Mediterranean) type. <...> There are few areas of intrusion of Dinaric forms in southern Bulgaria – in the eastern part of Sofi a region, in the Rhodopes, and in Eastern Thrace. <...> There are also areas of Atlanto-Pontian intrusions in North Bulgaria – along the Black sea coast and along the Danube. <...> However, the Atlanto-Pontian type (which is the most frequent anthropologic type in Bulgarians) is concentrated mostly in southeastern, not northeastern Bulgaria, as in the text published by G. Markov. <...> This confi rms the opinion of anthropologists such as J. Czekanowski, C. Coon, A. Poulianos, V. Alekseyev, etc., that modern Bulgarians descend mainly from ancient populations living in the Balkans before the Great Barbarian Migration. <...> Key words: bulgarians, ethnic anthropology, Dinaric type, Atlanto-Pontic type, political misuse of anthropology Contact information: Stoev Racho, e-mail: <...> ANGULAR MORPHOMETRY OF SKULLS OF THE ABORIGINES OF LOYALTY ISLANDS, MELANESIA Sviridov Alexey, Vasilyev Sergey Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia The purpose of this work was to study a series of 67 crania from Loyalty Islands, Northern Melanesia, housed at the Musйe de l’Homme in Paris. <...> The main tasks are to reveal specifi c features of morphogenetic parameters of male and female crania and to calculate primary statistical characteristics. <...> This series was collected mainly in the fi rst half of the 19th century, after the islands had been colonized by the French. <...> Crania from Loyalty Islands are generally dolichocranic and often higher than wide. <...> The face is relatively low and wide with alveolar prognathism, very wide nose, low orbits, sharp horizontal profi le, and fl at nasalia. <...> Based on the principal component analysis of the angular parameters of the braincase, we can conclude that males from Lifou and Marй islands are distinguished by sagittaly curved parietal bones. <...> When females and males are analyzed simultaneously, their braincase shapes show few differences, though absolute dimensions reveal some sexual dimorphism. <...> Their simultaneous analysis with the principal <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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