РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

The three leaps in the human evolution

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Section HUMAN EVOLUTION 91 resembles the Ahmarian complex known from other sites in the Levant. <...> The second, earliest of these, corresponds to the so-called Initial Upper Paleolithic phase. <...> The Initial Upper Paleolithic is considered a technocomplex transitional between Middle and Upper Paleolithic. <...> Paleolithic deposits preserved within Ьзağızlı Cave span a period of approximately 12,000 years; Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates indicate ages between 29,000 and 41,000 radiocarbon years (circa 31,000 to 43,000 calendar years). <...> In all layers of the cave abundant amount of shell beads which used as ornaments, have been found. <...> Advanced lithic technology and coordinated ornament use found in the cave indicate the presence of the fi rst modern humans in Anatolia. <...> Key words: Anatolia, fi rst moderns, Initial Upper Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, ornament using Contact information: Gьleз Erksin Savaş, <...> THE THREE LEAPS IN THE HUMAN EVOLUTION Kaynak Oktay Independent Researcher, Izmir, Turkey Human are very special and very different. <...> These are the only living being on earth endeavoring in self investigation. <...> The Leap of Bipedalism. 6–7 mya as a result of Rift and plateau formation in east Africa, a primate made an adaptive response to that formation. <...> This adaptive response was hunting and gathering food in shallow waters on two legs. <...> When about 2 mya the body erection reached a certain angle, the embryo made an adaptive response to this vertical body posture. <...> This is the mental overturning that started the growth of the cranium as well as the brain. 3. <...> If the chimp had a brain of 500 cc, would it say: “I better keep this stick and even improve it”. <...> The chimp may not think so with 500 cc brain, not even with a 550 cc or even a 600 cc brain. <...> But there will be a time and a brain capacity that such a thought will occur. <...> Once this mental threshold was transcended, the hominid that held a stone in one hand and a stick in the other; had the courage to intrude into the hunting zone of any animal including the worst predator. <...> Key words: mentis eversionis, bipedalism, mental overturning, mental threshold, human evolution Contact information <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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