РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Genetic diversity of indegenous populations of Tuva Republic on SNP-haplogroups of Y-chromosome

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Section MOLECULAR ANTHROPOLOGY – NEW ADVANCES 117 APOLIPOPROTEIN E AND ACE GENOTYPES MODULATE ALLOSTATIC LOAD Crews Douglas E., Donley Gwendolyn Department of Anthropology and School of Public Health, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA Over a life span, both failed and successful responses to stressors promote physiological dysfunction, leading eventually to an allostatic load (AL). <...> We examined associations of AL with apolipoprotein (Apo) E and H, ACE, and ANP genotypes in 284 American Samoans. <...> AL differed little by Apo H or ANP genotypes. <...> However, signifi cant differences in Al were observed across Apo E and ACE genotypes. <...> Participants with the Apo E 3*2 genotype showed the lowest AL compared to 3*3 or 2*2 genotypes. <...> Across ACE genotypes, AL was lower in those heterozygous (I/D), than those with the homozygous I/I genotype. <...> AL associates signifi cantly with morbidity and mortality across multiple samples, our results suggest these relationships may depend in part on underlying genotypes. <...> Key words: American Samoans, life span, stress, stressors, physiological dysfunction Contact information: Crews Douglas E., e-mail: <...> GENETIC DIVERSITY OF INDEGENOUS POPULATIONS OF TUVA REPUBLIC ON SNP – HAPLOGROUPS OF Y-CHROMOSOME Damba Larissa1,2 , Skhalyakho Roza2,3 Dibirova Khadizhat2,3 Republic, Kyzyl, Russia 2 , Bogunovа Anna4 , Yusupov Uldash5 , Bogunov Yuriy2,3 , Zhabagin Maxat6 , Agdzhoyan Anastasiya3 , Balanovsky Oleg3,2 1Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems and Control of the Healthcare, Department of the Tyva Research Centre for Medical Genetics, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia 3Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 4Amur State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia 5Institute for Humanities Research of Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Russia 6Center for Life Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan Studying of the genetic diversity of indigenous populations of the Altai-Sayan Mountains creates an additional historical source for reconstruction of ethnogenesis and ancient migratory ways of the populations of Southern Siberia. <...> Polymorphism of the Y-chromosome in four indigenous populations of Tuva (N=333) was studied: Todzhintsy (N=87), Western (N=75), Central (N=81) and Southeast (N=90) Tuvinians <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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