РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Педиатрическая фармакология/2016/№ 2/


EPA/UNEPSA has received a kind request of scientific Research Ethics Committee (SB REC). collaboration from the UK by Dr. Zelda Wilson, who is doing a Master degree in Advanced Dietetics at the University of SURVEY: Nottingham. For her final research, she is studying the role The Bridge Health Project of probiotics in the wellbeing of humans, and in the manage- EPA-UNEPA has received a request of collaboration from ment of various clinical conditions. Dr. Wilson is interested in Dr. Anthony Staines of the Department of Public Health, how healthcare professionals perceive and use probiotics. Ireland, to complete a Public Health SURVEY for the BRIDGE Therefore she has developed a short survey that may start health Project supported by the European Union. providing some insight into this matter. EPA/UNEPSA is glad to contribute to the study performed

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INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS TO SCIENTIFIC REASEARCH IN PEDIATRICS SURVEY: The Understanding And Use Of Probiotics EPA/UNEPSA has received a kind request of scientific collaboration from the UK by Dr. Zelda Wilson, who is doing a Master degree in Advanced Dietetics at the University of Nottingham. <...> For her final research, she is studying the role of probiotics in the wellbeing of humans, and in the management of various clinical conditions. <...> Dr. Wilson is interested in how healthcare professionals perceive and use probiotics. <...> Therefore she has developed a short survey that may start providing some insight into this matter. <...> EPA/UNEPSA is glad propose the brief survey to the readers of the Newsletters. <...> Completion of the questionnaire implies consent to the use of anonymised quotations to be used in research outputs such as reports. <...> In order to further emphasize the importance of appropriate medical care for children, and to encourage the completion of the questionnaire, after the deadline one winner will be picked at random to receive an educational grant of up to 500 which will be offered by EPA/UNEPSA to attend the scientific/educational meeting of your choice. <...> If you have any questions or would like to know more about the survey, please contact the Editorial Committee of the EPA/UNEPSA Newsletter ( <...> EPA/UNEPSA has been informed that the survey was endorsed by the British Dietetic Association and the European Society for Primary Care Gastroenterolgy, and that Ethical approval has been obtained from School of Biosciences Research Ethics Committee (SB REC). <...> SURVEY: The Bridge Health Project EPA-UNEPA has received a request of collaboration from Dr. Anthony Staines of the Department of Public Health, Ireland, to complete a Public Health SURVEY for the BRIDGE health Project supported by the European Union. <...> EPA/UNEPSA is glad to contribute to the study performed by the BRIDGE health Project and kindly ask to the EPA/ UNEPSA Newsletter readers to complete the Survey, which link is reported below: Link to the survey: BridgeHealth-WP7 BRIDGE Health stands for Bridging Information and Data Generation for Evidence-based Health policy and research. <...> The BRIDGE Health project aims to prepare the transition towards a sustainable and integrated EU health information system for both public health and research purposes. <...> The project bridges the best <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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