РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Agricultural Biology/2016/№ 2/


Citric acid plays an important role in cellular respiration, and participates in oxidation processes as a natural antioxidant and synergist antioxidant, inhibiting plant oxidoreductase, together with ascorbic acid. Citric acid is effective against east and bacterial pathogens, and can be used in ensilaging. Citric acid is an antimicrobial agent alternative to fodder antibiotics prohibited in European countries. It is metabolized in plants, animals and humans with no adverse effect. Aspergillus niger is the citric acid common producer. So far as cultural and morphological features are not enough to confirm strain authenticity essential for effective commercial product manufacturing, we used genetic certification of the strain. Note, in 2015 in wide range genetic study of Aspergillus flavus diversity the specific ALFP patterns were found though their practical aspects were not discussed (D. Singh et al., 2015). Herein, we studies osmophilic commercial strain Aspergillus niger L-4, the citric acid producer derived due to chemical and UV mutagenesis and spontaneous mutations, using optimized AFLP-fingerpinting with 12 different primers. Specific AFLP patterns were obtained for Aspergillus niger L-4 authentification. Mse_cc GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACC and Eco_ас (FAM) GACTGCGTACCAATTAC primers were shown to be optimal providing maximum number of DNA fragments in the range of 33.68 to 593.78 bp (89 fragments) subject to the described method of fingerprinting and computer processing. The primers are effective regardless of sample volume. The resulting profiles can be used to authenticate the strain Aspergillus niger L-4 from different sources.

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Citric acid plays an important role in cellular respiration, and participates in oxidation processes as a natural antioxidant and synergist antioxidant, inhibiting plant oxidoreductase, together with ascorbic acid. <...> Citric acid is an antimicrobial agent alternative to fodder antibiotics prohibited in European countries. <...> It is metabolized in plants, animals and humans with no adverse effect. <...> Aspergillus niger is the citric acid common producer. <...> So far as cultural and morphological features are not enough to confirm strain authenticity essential for effective commercial product manufacturing, we used genetic certification of the strain. <...> Note, in 2015 in wide range genetic study of Aspergillus flavus diversity the specific ALFP patterns were found though their practical aspects were not discussed (D. Singh et al., 2015). <...> Herein, we studies osmophilic commercial strain Aspergillus niger L-4, the citric acid producer derived due to chemical and UV mutagenesis and spontaneous mutations, using optimized AFLP-fingerpinting with 12 different primers. <...> Specific AFLP patterns were obtained for Aspergillus niger L-4 authentification. <...> Mse_cc GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACC and Eco_ас (FAM) GACTGCGTACCAATTAC primers were shown to be optimal providing maximum number of DNA fragments in the range of 33.68 to 593.78 bp (89 fragments) subject to the described method of fingerprinting and computer processing. <...> The primers are effective regardless of sample volume. <...> Citric acid plays an important role in cellular respiration, and participates in oxidation processes as a natural antioxidant and synergist antioxidant, inhibiting plant oxidoreductase, together with ascorbic acid. <...> Citric acid is effective against east and bacterial pathogens, and can be used in ensilaging. <...> Citric acid is an antimicrobial agent alternative to fodder antibiotics prohibited in European countries. <...> It is metabolized in plants, animals and humans with no adverse effect. <...> Aspergillus niger is the citric acid common producer. <...> So far as cultural and morphological features are not enough to confirm strain authenticity essential for effective commercial product manufacturing, we used genetic certification of the strain. <...> Note, in 2015 in wide range genetic study of Aspergillus flavus diversity the specific ALFP patterns were <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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