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Актуальные проблемы современной науки/2012/№ 6/

Battle lasers

Идея создания боевых лазеров, способы ее реализации.

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Актуальные проблемы современной науки, 6, 2012 BATTLE LASERS Боевые Лазеры одна из основных проблем в вооруженной промышленности. <...> Introduction Laser Battle is one of the major problems in the armed industry. <...> It would seem that it may be easier because the laser is actually a directed beam of intense radiation capable of cutting metal. <...> But the whole difficulty of the implementation of this idea lies in the device of any laser installation. <...> The basis of the laser is a special environment, which actually will transmit a laser beam, it may be a special gas, a crystal or diode. <...> Then you need to download this Wednesday the energy from the outside - with electricity, radio waves, light or chemical reactions. <...> The sudden influx of energy excites the atoms of the medium, causing the electrons to absorb energy and jump to a high-energy outer electron shells. <...> If you then send a beam of light through it, the photon beam, colliding with the atoms to cause sudden stalling of electrons at a lower orbit and thus the release of additional photons. <...> These photons, in turn, will make an even greater number of electrons emit photons – and soon will start a chain reaction of "collapse" of atoms to the ground state with an almost simultaneous release of the vast number of photons - trillions and trillions of them - all in the same beam. <...> The principal feature of this process lies in the fact that some substances in the avalanche-like release of all photons vibrate in unison, that is coherent. <...> The laser can operate only a few materials, which means that only specific substances in the collision of a photon with an excited atom emits a photon coherent first. <...> This property of matter leads to the fact that all photons in a nascent stream vibrate in unison, creating a laser beam. <...> To date, there are many lasers that can be classified according to material and method of working fluid injection of energy (electricity it can be a powerful beam of light, even the chemical explosion). <...> But the gas carbon dioxide lasers can be used in demolition work, cutting and melting of metals in heavy industry, and they are able to provide an extremely powerful and completely invisible beam. 331 Актуальные проблемы современной науки, 6, 2012 B. Two. <...> These high-power lasers are charged from the chemical <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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