РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Kutafin University Law Review (KULawR)/2015/№ 2/


The paper analyses the changes in the modern life and law. The main factors of such changes are the technological progress and the evolution of rapid and efficient means of communication as well as the opportunity to get access to vastest information resources from practically any geographical location via internet. In this context the great goal of modern society is the creation of common values with all due respect for different cultural traditions. These changes taken place in the post-modern society have resulted not only in the emergence of novel disciplines and new categories of fundamental rights but also in the evolution of traditional juridical institutions, such as those of civil responsibility, the property law and the marriage law. The author notes and approves the trend of some growth of the ‘promotional’ or ‘stimulating’ rules in modern legislation. Such approach provides and guarantees the existence of a ‘space’ where decisions are not made once for all and helps to develop the human freedom. The author emphasizes that the complexity of the problems that the law will have to solve creates a need for a dialogue between lawyers and experts in different fields of knowledge. Further the author underlines that in the modern reality, so complicated and so quickly changing, the role of individuals who are supposed to interpret legal norms is fundamental. Finally the author marks the increasing role of international law in the modern world particularly in the sphere of human rights protection.

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