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Известия Балтийской государственной академии рыбопромыслового флота/2015/№ 1(31)/
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Democracy: interpretation in the context of the philosophy of care Mordecai Roshwald

Раскрывается содержание понятия демократии. Проведен анализ на основе философских учений профессора Мордехая Рошвальда. В первой части представлено содержание понятия истины, объединяющее историю философии. Во второй части рассматривается со-держание понятия реализма свободы. Эти элементы подкрепляются факторами авторского исследования демократии

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Бартошевски доктор общественных наук профессор кафедры социальной работы Государственная высшая профессиональная школа г. <...> Познань Польша Democracy: interpretation in the context of the philosophy of care Mordecai Roshwald1 Демократия: интерпретация в контексте философии М. <...> Проведен анализ на основе философских учений профессора Мордехая Рошвальда. <...> Во второй части рассматривается содержание понятия реализма свободы. <...> Эти элементы подкрепляются факторами авторского исследования демократии Ключевые слова: демократия; правда/истина; свобода; Мордехай Рошвальд; философия заботы 1. <...> Professor Roshwald in his work analyzing human events referring to the philosophy of the ancient philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and modern, as John Mill. <...> He did not omit the Jewish tradition, Hasidic, and the Bible, which is the source of ethical principles. <...> On those and his personal experience, he accepted a moderate realism metaphysicalepistemological questioning at the same time about the truth in the world of human existence. <...> The question seems simple enough, but the answer to it is no longer clear, at the same time is dependent on the adoption of the concept of reading reality. <...> Author philosophy of the subject, having worked out the concept of an individual as being composed of res cogitans and res extensa not trying to determine what are the relationships and dependencies between the individual and the community. <...> This reality as a set of things exist in themselves but not by themselves, emphasized the implementation of certain objectives to be implemented just by the use of reason, taking advantage of the passions, which, in turn, by the fact of mastering it, free the will of the subject. <...> Therefore making a decision you should be available to the judgment of reason as a superior, authoritative standard having moderate power of wandering ".2 Cartesian concept radicalized by the next generation of philosophers led to the rejection of metaphysical and epistemological realism, which in turn led to the subjectification in the perception of reality. <...> An example of this is the author's opinion, our society of developed countries "(...) the community is fashion, (...) including, without accepting the criteria of truth. <...> The problem is that this attitude undermines the truth. <...> Because, as John Stuart Mill taught, the truth is one, and the study of it must be carried out continuously so that's what we consider <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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