РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/
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Health protecting behaviors and morbidity in students

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38 Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY HEALTH PROTECTING BEHAVIORS AND MORBIDITY IN STUDENTS Otavina Marina Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University, Perm, Russia The factors, which can infl uence the health status and the quality of life, were studied, and the analysis of the morbidity of the students was held. <...> MOS-SF 36 Questionnaire, and the questionnaire for estimating living conditions and self-evaluated health status were used, as well as the data of applications to the polyclinics. 343 students of the average age 19.60.1 years were examined. <...> In the morbidity structure the leading diseases among males are those of respiratory system (J00-J99), eye/adnexal (H00-H59), nervous system (G00-G99), and among females - diseases of respiratory system, genitourinary system (N00-N99), and eye diseases. <...> Analysis of the lifestyle showed signifi cant differences between duration of sleep and the diseases of respiratory system. <...> They were noticed in the 13% of the interviewed students with average duration of sleep not more than 6 hours, and in 6% of those with average duration of sleep 7-9 hours a day. <...> The same tendency was found for the diseases of nervous system, and allergic diseases. <...> Allergic diseases were recorded among 30% of smokers and 13% of non-smokers. <...> The scores on the “general health perceptions” and “physical role functioning” scales were reliable at the presence of diseases of respiratory system, nervous system, and allergic diseases. <...> Among those having a low incidence rate of upper respiratory tract infections there were 60% of active athletes, and among those having a high incidence rate - 48% of athletes. <...> Persons with the high level of physical activity have higher scores of “physical role functioning”, “vitality” and “general health perceptions” according to the MOS-SF 36 Questionnaire. <...> Key words: students, morbidity, quality of life, health evaluation Contact information: Otavina, Marina, e-mail: <...> PALEOPATHOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA DATING FROM THE MIDDLE AGE PERIOD FROM THE BURIAL GROUND STARITSA Pererva Evgeni Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Volgograd, Russia This paper is devoted to the study of bone material dating back to the Golden Horde from the burial mound in the neighborhoods of Staritsa village in Chernoyarsky rural area of the Astrakhan region. <...> The Staritsa burial ground is unique in some way as it represents <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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