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Транспорт Российской Федерации/2015/№ 1/
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Chances for the evaluation of the traffic safety risk at intersections by novel methods

According to the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO), road accidents were responsible for about 30,000 fatalities on EU roads in 2011 (ERSO 2013). If a number of fatalities equivalent to the population of a medium town were not bad enough, for every fatality there are eight serious injuries and fifty minor injuries. In Germany 3,600 people died in 2013 (approximately 10 per day); every second day dies someone in a left turn maneuver. In Fig. 1 a three-year accident diagram of a black spot intersection, particularly for left turns, in Chemnitz, Germany, is shown.

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Безопасность Chances for the evaluation of the traffic safety risk at intersections by novel methods Marek Junghans (Maрeк Юнгxaнc), Doctor of engineering, Traffic engineer and scientific assistant Karsten Kozempel (Карстен Кoцeмпeль), Doctor of science, Computer scientist and scientific assistant Hagen Saul (Xaгeн Зaуль), Diploma in computer science, Computer scientist and scientific assistant Company: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Transportation Systems, Department of Traffic and Transportation Management 1. <...> Introduction According to the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO), road accidents were responsible for about 30,000 fatalities on EU roads in 2011 (ERSO 2013). <...> In Fig. 1 a three-year accident diagram of a black spot intersection, particularly for left turns, in Chemnitz, Germany, is shown. <...> Although road safety has improved in recent years, it is urgently required to better understand crashes and their causes. <...> Further, it is important to utilize the current technical solutions, e.g. spatiotemporal sensors like cameras, radar and laser sensors, for the detection and analysis of accidents and traffic situations that lead to traffic conflicts or accidents, e.g. (Saunier et al. 2010). <...> This will be the basis for developing targeted measures to bring traffic safety to a next level throughout Europe, e.g. “Vision Zero” (no fatalities at all), which has been aimed by the Swedish parliament since 1997 (DVR 2012), or, aimed by the EU, halving the number of fatalities until 2020 (EU 2010). <...> To achieve this goal, traffic safety must be • measurable, quantifiable and assessable in every transport area, • improved by tailored construction and traffic control measures, • provided as information, warning message and assistance in case of potentially dangerous traffic situations to the traffic participants before and while traveling. <...> Methods and results To make qualitative statements about traffic safety in considered traffic areas the following workflow is required, which is shown in the following subsections. 2.1 Classical approach In the classical approach traffic safety is measured by accidents and their classification in conflict, accident type and accident severity. <...> There are at least two essential drawbacks of this method: • The concomitant circumstances, which lead to an accident, cannot be found out completely and sometimes even not at all. • Accident <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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