Any radio network (cell) providing service to a geographical region is associated with certain interference environment described by so-called compatibility matrix which, in turn, defines the required frequency limitations between separate cells. An engineering approach to fixed channel allocation (frequency planning) could be described as a trial to find such a frequency plan which would satisfy all the matrix constraints and would have the shortest width (span). The combinatorial nature of this problem makes it unrealistic to obtain the optimal solution. The only way to solve it is to use a certain set of heuristic algorithms based on the features of the compatibility matrix.
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Резюме по документу**
UDC 621.396
Vladimir Lyandresa, PhD, Professor, lyandres@ee.bgu.ac.il
aBen-Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, 1, Ben Gurion St., Beer Sheva, 74105, Israel
environment described by so-called compatibility matrix which, in turn, defines the required frequency limitations between
separate cells. <...> An engineering approach to fixed channel allocation (frequency planning) could be described as a trial
to find such a frequency plan which would satisfy all the matrix constraints and would have the shortest width (span). <...> The combinatorial nature of this problem makes it unrealistic to obtain the optimal solution. <...> The only way to solve it is to use
a certain set of heuristic algorithms based on the features of the compatibility matrix. <...> Purpose: Our goal is to obtain statistically
stable conclusions about relative efficiency of euristic algorithms (known and proposed ones) tested on benchmark problems
(various matrices). <...> Each
matrix represents a specific frequency allocation problem which is to be solved using the set of algorithms. <...> Some algorithms
are based on a simple ordering of networks during the process of frequency planning, while others also include ordering
of frequencies themselves. <...> As the tools for achieving an "almost best" frequency plan, i.e. the lower bound of its span,
two adaptive random search algorithms were proposed and tested. <...> The proposed
adaptive random search algorithms provide that the frequency planning system is estimated to be close to "almost optimal". <...> Practical relevance: Real frequency assignment problems should be solved by a set of heuristic algorithms with subsequent
choice of the best result. <...> Keywords — Frequency Planning, Adjacent Constraints, Sequential Scheduling Algorithms, Adaptive Random Search. <...> The Spectrum Manager (SM), trying to solve the
problem of the efficient use of the frequency resource
allocated for the service, must take into
account certain constraints providing an interference-free
environment for each of the applicants for
assignment. <...> In radio networks, for transmitters
located at different sites, the frequency plan to be
sought must answer, first of all, to the set of frequency-distance
separation conditions, or so-called
adjacent constraints:
ff ijm ,
ip jq
where the double index designates <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности
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