РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Философские науки/2016/№ 1/

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Philosophical Sciences – 1/2016 About the Authors Bayeva, Liudmila – Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications (Astrakhan State University), professor, D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Belyaeva, Liudmila – Leading Research Fellow (Centre for the Study of social and cultural change of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Chernega, Artyom – Postgraduate Student (Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Sociology). <...> Chernichkina, Anna – Postgraduate Student (Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov MSU). <...> Evstifeev, Roman – Leading Research Fellow (Vladimir branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Department of Management), D.Sc. in Political Sciences. <...> Gorin, NikolaiiAssociate Professor (Kurgan branch of the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law), Ph.D. in Sociology. <...> Ivanov, Oleg – Head of the Department of corporate management (Moscow State University of Railway Engineering), Chief Editor of the journal ETAP: ekonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika (ETAP: Economic Theory, Analysis, Practice), Director for Internal Control and Audit of Joint Stock Company Russian Railways, professor, D.Sc. in Economic Sciences. <...> Ivanova, Svetlana – Director of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education”, Chief Editor of journals Tsennosti i smysly (Values and Meanings), Otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya pedagogika (Domestic and Foreign Pedagogy), professor, D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Komin, Michael – Graduate Student (Department of Applied Political Science, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg). <...> Korsakov, Sergei – Leading Research Fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Humanity Expertises and Bioethics), D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Lagurev, Alexey – Graduate Student (Institute of Philosophy at the Saint Petersburg State University). <...> Neshchadin, Andrey – Deputy Director (Institute of innovative economy), Professor (Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation), Ph.D. in Sociology. <...> Nikolaichev, Boris – Assistant Director, Senior Research Fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Ethics), Ph.D. in Philosophy. <...> Novosyolov, Alexey – Director of the Museum Association (the city of Totma, Vologda Region). <...> Okunev, Igor – Associate Professor (Moscow State Institute of International Relations <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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