РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Философские науки/2015/№ 3/

About the Authors

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Philosophical Sciences – 3/2015 About the Authors Avanesov, Sergeyhead of the Department of Philosophical and Pedagogical anthropology (Tomsk State Pedagogical University), professor, PhD. <...> Akopov, Sergeyprofessor (National Research University Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg), PhD. <...> Cui Liwei – postgraduate student (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia). <...> Davydov, Alexey – principal research fellow (Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences), professor, PhD. <...> Gagarin, Anatoly – leading research fellow (Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences), head of the Ural Branch of the Civil Society Fund, Director of the Institute of the System Political Studies and humanitarian projects, PhD. <...> Gerasimov, Sergeyprofessor (Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance), professor (National Research University Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg), PhD. <...> Knyazeva, Helena – professor (National Research University Higher School of Economics), PhD. <...> Lin, Oleg – postgraduate student (Institute of the Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences). <...> Liubimov, Alexey – head of the Center of International Law, professor (Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia), PhD. <...> Neretina, Svetlanaprincipal research fellow (Center of methodology and ethics of science, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), professor (Russian State University for the Humanities), PhD. <...> Nikolsky, Sergey – Deputy Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific work, head of the Department of Philosophy of Culture (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), PhD. <...> Olkhov, Pavel – professor (Belgorod National Research University), Scientific Secretary of the International Academic Council of the N.N. Strakhov Library-Museum, PhD. <...> Rozin, Vadim – leading research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), PhD. <...> Sizemskaya, Irina – principal research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), PhD. <...> Smirnov, Sergeyhead of the Laboratory of Strategic and Foresight Research and Development, professor (Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management), PhD. <...> Taysina, Emliya – head of the Department for Theoretical Foundations of Communication (Kazan State Power Engineering University), professor (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University), PhD. <...> Tulchinsky, Grigory – Honoured science figure of the Russian Federation <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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